Resources for Teachers and Students
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Additional Resources
Slides Carnival: Great way to get free templates for Google Slides Presentations.
Google Trends Visualizer: Picks up the most searched topics at the time to see what is trending. Great for current events. Be careful, it does not filter data. Select by country to change the trends.
Piktochart: This is a great graphic design tool. You can use pre-made templates for posters, flyers, and many other needs or start from scratch.
Tiny URL:This allows you to take any URL link and make it a small easy to enter URL.
Poll everywhere :This allows an instant feedback to poll others. They can use any device to complete this poll. You create the poll and it gives you a link for others to go answer the questions. You can put the link in a tiny URL to make it easier for others.
Thing Link:This allows you to make your images come to life. You can embed other images, videos, or text in pictures. This is a great way to get creative with a class project.
Coggle It: This is a graphic organizer type tool. Great for groups or to design a plan.
PicMonkey:This is a great tool to edit photos or create logos, banners, flyers and more. Use templates or create your own design from scratch.
Canva:This allows you to create flyers, posters, presentations and more. Great for class projects. Some items are not included with the free version, so pay attention as you create.