Today, we celebrate our School Resource Officers! 🚔🏫 These dedicated individuals play a vital role in our school community, ensuring safety and building positive relationships. 👮‍♂️ Shey Snodgrass, SRO 👮‍♂️ Scott Wright, SPO 👮‍♂️ Marvin McCraken, SRO 👮‍♂️ Jay Jastal, SRO Let's take a moment to appreciate and thank our School Resource Officers for their service! 👏
about 1 year ago, Monett Schools
School Resource Officer Appreciation Day
We are not having school due to professional development on Monday, October 16. We hope you have a great three-day weekend!
over 1 year ago, Monett Schools
Professional Development No School Monday October 16
MECC holds culture assemblies to learn about various cultures. This week, students learned about Guatemala. Local Guatemalan moms and daughters provided a presentation that shared their Awakateco language, handmade goods, songs, and customs. Our MECC students and teachers learned the oral differences between numbers, vowel sounds, and words in Awakateco, Spanish, and English. We thank Mrs. Burgherr Shell for organizing a fantastic multicultural experience for all!
over 1 year ago, Monett Schools
The teacher stands in between two students wearing their Guatemalan attire.
Moms and daughters stand next to each other in a line for a group photo with their Guatemalan attire.
Three students stand next to each other in their Guatemalan attire.
Happy National I.T. Professionals Appreciation Day! Today, we celebrate and acknowledge the role of our I.T. Professionals. Their behind-the-scenes efforts ensure our systems run smoothly and our students and staff remain connected. Thank you for your commitment and hard work! I.T. Rockstars: 👩‍💻 Lauralie Powell 👨‍💻 Weston George 👨‍💻 Stephen McMillen 👩‍💻 Victoria Johnson 👨‍💻 Robert McGuire 👨‍💻 Roland Gonzalez 👩‍💻 Tabitha Ray
over 1 year ago, Monett Schools
Purple graphic with 7 portrait photos of our tech department as we celebrate them for National IT Professionals Day
🖍 Our preschool and kindergarten students are learning about the colors red, green, blue, orange, brown, pink, black, and white. Each day from now until September 8, students will wear specific colors for the day and participate in fun activities centered around each color.
over 1 year ago, Monett Schools
Little girl holding her paper after she colored with a red crayon.
Girl student holding her paper after she colored it with the a yellow crayon.
Boy holding up his paper colored in red crayon
Listening to Ms. Ridinger read aloud in class today was pure magic. The power of a story comes alive when shared through a passionate voice. We are thankful for these moments that inspire a love for reading. 💜📚
over 1 year ago, Monett Schools
Student sitting on the carpet listing to Ms. Ridinger read.
Stuff the Bus week was a success! ✅ We thank the Stuff the Bus team 🚌 and our supportive community for donating school supplies for children in our area. 💜 Every donation, no matter how small, can change a student's entire school year. 🎒✏️
over 1 year ago, Monett Schools
Stuff the Bus organizers in front of the Bus
We have several job openings! We are looking for an English Language Learner Paraprofessional, an administrative assistant for the SRTC campus, bus drivers, and more. Follow this link for details:
over 1 year ago, Monett Schools
We're Hiring! Open Positions ELL Paraprofessional, SRTC Administrative Assistant, Apply NOW,
Students from MECC and MMS collaborated in a multicultural literacy event where MMS students read books MECC students in their respective home languages, including Karen (Sgaw), Spanish, and English. This event provided an opportunity to celebrate different cultures and languages while promoting literacy among younger students. 📚
almost 2 years ago, Monett Schools
Three students holding books in front of the M logo.
Today we celebrated teachers of the past, present, and future. Students dressed up as teachers to show their appreciation and support for all the outstanding educators who have impacted their lives. 👩‍🏫👨‍🏫 Teachers are an integral part of our lives and communities, and we owe them a debt of gratitude for all they do. 💜💛
almost 2 years ago, Monett Schools
Student dressed up as her teacher.
Student and principal.
Student dressed as a teacher.
Student dressed up as a teacher.
Reminder: Spring break begins tomorrow, Thursday, March 9, and ends on Monday, March 13. Students return to school on Tuesday, March 14. We hope you have a wonderful and relaxing break!
about 2 years ago, Monett Schools
March Break No School Thursday, March 9 through Monday, March 13
We witnessed the cutest jam session in Mr. Brown's music class.💜 MECC students used maracas, tone blocks, egg shaker, and guiro instruments to make a beat together. Under Mr. Brown's direction, the students did a phenomenal job playing in sync. Introducing children to music at a young age has numerous benefits for their development, such as enhancing their motor skills and improving memory and concentration. Way to go, little musicians! 🎼
about 2 years ago, Monett Schools
Students with Mr. Brown playing music
🙌 Happy Bus Driver Appreciation Day to all our bus drivers! We take a moment to express our sincere gratitude to our amazing bus drivers! 💛🐻 We are grateful for their commitment to providing safe and reliable transportation. #MonettCubPride
about 2 years ago, Monett Schools
Bus Driver Appreciation Day
Reminder: We are not having school on Friday, February 17 and Monday, February 20, due to February break and professional development.
about 2 years ago, Monett Schools
No School Feb 17 & 20
Reminder: Due to an in-service day for teachers, we are not having school on Monday, January 16.
about 2 years ago, Monett Schools
Professional Development No School Monday January 16
Today we celebrate our School Resource Officers for National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day! Our School Resource Officers work tirelessly to keep our students and staff safe. 👮‍♂️ Jay Jastal 👮‍♂️ Marvin McCraken 👮‍♂️ Shey Snodgrass 👮‍♂️ Blaine Bridges
about 2 years ago, Monett Schools
National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day
We are excited to welcome our students back to school today!
about 2 years ago, Monett Schools
Welcome back!
Check out the awesome gingerbread houses students made before the holiday break!
about 2 years ago, Monett Schools
A boy holding a gingerbread house.
A girl holding a gingerbread house.
Before the winter weather came in, our littlest ones drew snowmen on the concrete in hopes of a snow day!
about 2 years ago, Monett Schools
Two students draw snowmen on concrete.
snowmen on concrete drawn with chalk
Our offices are closed for the holidays. Our offices will be closed beginning today, Thursday, December 22, to Friday, January 6. Our offices will open back up on Monday, January 9, 2023. Students return to school on Tuesday, January 10. Happy Holidays from everyone at Monett R-1! ☃️
about 2 years ago, Monett Schools
We're closed! Dec. 22-Jan. 6