We will begin FREE COVID-19 testing for students and staff starting on Monday, December 7. We will use BinaxNow Antigen testing that detects the presence of SARS-CoV-2, the virus causing COVID-19. The specimen for the test is collected via anterior nasal swab (the bottom portion of the nose-no pain). Parents and students will receive results in 15 minutes. This test is COMPLETELY voluntary.
Signed consent must be given, and the parent/guardian must be present for students under 18 to test. Positive results will be immediately reported to the local health departments for contact tracing to begin. Additionally, all test results are shared with the Department of Health and Senior Services following state regulations.
Who can test?: Any Monett R-1 staff or student experiencing at least one high-risk COVID symptom or two low-risk symptoms (Please see the symptom checklist). We will not be testing asymptomatic staff and students to be released from quarantine.
Where: MES, MIS, MHS nurses offices
When: Testing will only be during the school day as nurses have availability. Taking care of students in the building is always our number one priority.
Cost: The Covid-19 test is FREE, regardless of insurance.
How to schedule: Talk with the nurse in your child's building.
A negative test does not automatically mean students and staff can return to school. For example, a fever and sore throat may still need medical evaluation. A negative test does not override existing exemption policies for fever, vomiting, etc. Our 15-minute tests have a high percentage of accuracy.
If you have questions, please contact your child's school office.
Thank you,
Monett Schools