Finals Schedule
Friday, Dec. 18 - 6th period Final
1st - 5th periods the same through Lunch (7:55-12:35)
6th period (12:40-2:05)
Monday, Dec. 21- 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th Finals
1st period (7:55-9:15) Final
3rd period (9:20-10:40) Final
4th period/Lunch/Advisory (Normal)
5th period (12:25-1:45) Final
7th period (1:50-3:05) Final
4th Hour with Advisory and Lunch will remain the same on 12/21. Still follow who is
eating in the classroom and commons.
Tuesday, Dec. 22 -2nd & 4th Finals
2nd period (7:55-9:15) Final
3rd period (9:20-9:55) Normal Class
4th period (10:00-11:20) Final
Lunch/Advisory: West Hall 11:20-12:10
(Lunch 11:20-11:45)
Lunch/Advisory: East Hall 11:20-12:10
(Lunch 11:45-12:10)
DISMISSAL at 12:10pm