I would like to personally welcome you to Monett Middle School! We serve more than 360 seventh and eighth-grade students during the school year. Students are the focus of whom we serve, and we strive daily to provide the time and support necessary for their success.
We are blessed to be in a very progressive school district - thanks to our superintendent, board of education, and our patrons. We are in our second cycle of 1:World Learning Initiative where students have access to an iPad and may take their device home. This levels the playing field for all students and encourages learning to happen anytime, anywhere. Courses at MMS are available in the traditional/seated format, while some are offered blended or fully online.
We are in our fourth year of Standards-Based Learning at MMS! This type of reporting is different from the traditional A,B,C,D,F grading scale that students and parents have seen in the past. Reporting by standards will provide students and parents accurate feedback regarding your student's progress in relation to the standard. Please don't hesitate to call or email if you have any questions!
The website has a lot of important information regarding our school, its staff, and the procedures we use to ensure that all students are learning at Monett Middle School. I encourage to continue to be involved in your student's education and to connect with the technologies available to keep you informed about your student.
Please feel free to peruse this website to find the information you need. If you need clarification or answers to questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at your earliest convenience.
Yours in education,
Jonathan A. C. Apostol, Ed.D.
Twitter: @MonettMiddle
Facebook: Monett Middle School