Travis VanHorn
Kat Gervais
601 Learning Lane
Monett, MO 65625
If you see abuse or fear for someone's safety, the following are numbers that might help the situation:
National Suicide Hotline: 1-800-273-TALK
School Violence Hotline: 1-866-748-7047
MO Child Abuse Hotline: 1-800-392-3738
The Elementary School Counselor’s role is three-fold: Counselor, Coordinator, and Consultant. The School Counselor fills a need in the elementary student’s life with help of a preventive nature.
What does the School Counselor do?
Works with students, parents, teachers, administrators, and community agencies
Works with entire classrooms, small groups, and individuals to encourage better student relationships
Helps identify needs of children
Promotes positive attitudes and choices and assists students in character development
Talks with parents about their child’s progress in school, abilities and limitations, growth and development, adjustment to school, and school behavior
How does a student get to see the Counselor?
Students may refer themselves.
Parents may refer their child.
Teachers and Administrators may refer students.
Counseling is a confidential service.