MES Drop Off and Pick Up Procedures
Drop Off Procedures
MES appreciates your cooperation in creating both a safe and efficient car line. Students may be dropped off at 7:25 am.

1st Grade and Siblings
First grade morning car riders (and siblings) enter from Dunn & Linden, and stay single file. Once inside the drive, your child / children may then exit the vehicle and step onto the sidewalk. Your child will exit on the driver’s side of the vehicle. There will be staff to assist students as needed, but you do not have to wait on staff for your child / children to exit the vehicle. Students will be directed to enter the building through the B Hallway door. All first grade classrooms are located in B hallway.
2nd & 3rd Grade
Second and Third grade students will enter the circle drive from Learning Lane. Please pull forward and fill in. Your child will exit on the driver’s side of the vehicle. There will be staff to assist students as needed, but you do not have to wait on staff for your child / children to exit the vehicle. Students will be directed to enter the building through the main doors. Second grade classrooms are located in A hallway, third grade is located in C Hallway.
Pick Up Procedures

Pick Up Procedures for Grades 1-3
Car Riders will be dismissed from the front MES main entrance area
Families will be given a three-digit number to use for pick up
Slowly drive to the speed bump in front of the main entrance.
Students will dismiss in order and go to a colored cone
A staff member will monitor students, but students will get themselves into the vehicle.
Parents may occasionally be asked to move forward and wait for their child if the cars behind them are already loaded.
Please do not block the crosswalk.
Bus Procedures
Bus Dismissal
Students will be escorted by an adult to their bus
The adult will record each child and the bus
As a safety precaution a designated adult or older siblings need to be at the bus stop to meet their child
If an adult/sibling is not at the bus stop the student will be returned to the school and a parent will be notified to pick up the child. Incidents will be recorded and may result in a change of transportation to car rider or Cub House