Tornado - FEMA & Safe Room

The Tornado Safe Rooms are owned by the Monett School District and its first function is to provide protection for the students and staff during tornado and extreme high wind events during school hours.

In the event the shelters listed below are not available, please seek shelter at the Monett Community Shelter located on 603 County Road (Marshall Hill) in Monett.

City of Monett Tornado Shelter Rules

In severe weather, sheltering in place (finding a safe, indoor location as close to the ground and away from windows as possible) is always recommended. Once sirens have been sounded, there is a great risk of attempting to get to a storm shelter across town. Stay weather-aware and ensure you have enough time to get to a safe location. If you and your family cannot access a safe location within or close to your home, eight shelters are open to the Monett community. Among the eight, four are FEMA shelters built for severe weather. 

Four FEMA Shelters in Monett: 

  • Monett Intermediate School - 710 9th Street

  • Monett Elementary School - 601 Learning Lane

  • Monett High School - 1 David Sippy Drive

  • Monett Community Building - 603 County Road

Four Community Refuge Shelters Open to the Public When Possible: 

  • First Free Will Baptist Church - 1112 Central

  • First Christian Church - 603 4th Street

  • Waldensian Church - 223 FR 1080

  • First Baptist Church - 2581 State Hwy 37

    The FEMA shelters at the school's facilities will be open to the public in severe weather, including when school is in session. Student safety is the District's priority; community members seeking shelter at the school facility will remain separated from students and faculty. The community members will be supervised by district personnel and School Resource Officers.

Monett Elementary School

MES FEMA Shelter

FEMA Shelter

601 Learning Lane

Monett, MO

Monett Intermediate School


FEMA Shelter

710 9th Street

Monett, MO

Monett High School

MHS FEMA Shelter/Performing Arts Center

MHS FEMA Shelter

1 David Sippy Drive

Monett, MO

Severe Weather Knowledge Severe Weather Risk Categories Watches and Warning. Thunderstorms: no severe thunderstorms expected(lightning/flooding threats exist with all thunderstorms), 1-Marginal (MRGL): Isolated thunderstorms possible (limited in duration and/or coverage and/or intensity), 2-Slight (SLGT) Scattered severe storms possible. Short-lived and/or not widespread isolated intense storms possible. 3-Enhanced Numerous Severe storms possible (more persistent and/or widespread a few intense). 4-Moderate (MDT) Widespread severe storms likely, long-lived, widespread and intense, 5-HIGH (HIGH) Widespread severe storms expected long lived, very widespread and particularly intense.