Employee Reporting Requirements
Policy | AC | ACAE-3 | DA, DJF-1 | DID | DJFA | EHB-AP(1) | EBBA/GBEA | ECA-1 | EHBC-AP(1) | GBEBC | GBCB | GBCC | GBH | GBH | JHG | JFCF | JFCF | JFCG | JFCC | JGF | JGF | ILA | JGGA | JHDF | JHDF | KK |
Report What? | Discrimination, harassment, or retaliation based on race, color, national origin, ancestry, disability, or genetic information. | Bullying or misbehavior toward a transgender student. | Reasonable suspicion of financial fraud, theft, or misuse of funds. | Missing, stolen, or damaged equipment. | Any violation of policies governing Federal programs. | Misuse of technology or security issues. | Work-related injury or illness with details. | Damaged District property or facilities. | Data breach | Charged, convicted, plead guilty, or are found guilty of any misdemeanor or felony. | Dangerous building conditions. | Theft or damaged of a district-provided phone. | Concerns or discomfort about interactions between student and staff member. | Evidence or knowledge of inappropriate relationship between staff member and student. | Suspected physical, sexual, or emotional abuse or neglect of a student. | Observed bullying of a student. | Student report of bullying. | Hazing incident of student. | Misbehavior on school bus. | Crime committed by a student at school. | Student possession of weapons or drugs. | Suspected violation of testing protocols. | Use of seclusion, restraint, or isolation. | Belief that student at risk of committing suicide. | Student has threatened or is attempting suicide. | Violation of visitor rules. |
To Whom? | Special Services Coordinator | Principal | Superintendent | Supervisor | Superintendent, Board President | Principal | Supervisor/Nurse | Supervisor | District Information Security Officer | Administration | Building Supervisor | Supervisor | Principal Counselor | Hotline Call, Administrator | Hotline Call, Principal | Principal | Principal | Principal | Principal | Principal | Principal | Test Coordinator | Parent/Guardian | Principal, CRT Member, Parent/Guardian | Principal, CRT Member, Parent/Guardian, Emergency Services | Principal |
When? | Immediately | Immediately | Immediately | Promptly | Within 5 days | Immediately | Immediately | Immediately | Immediately | Within 5 business days | Immediately | Immediately | Immediately | Immediately | Immediately | Within 2 school days | Promptly | Promptly | Promptly | Immediately | Immediately | Immediately | By end of day | Immediately | Immediately | Immediately |
Failure to Report? | Discipline or Termination | Discipline or Termination | Discipline or Termination | Discipline or Termination | Discipline or Termination | Discipline | Discipline or Termination, Potential Criminal Charges | Discipline or Termination Potential Criminal Charges | Discipline or Termination | Discipline or Termination | Discipline or Termination |