On Monday, May 10th, face masks will become optional at the Monett School District. Tomorrow, Friday, May 7th, is the last day masks will be required on campus, unless there is an increase in positive cases.
The City of Monett ended the Masking Ordinance on April 30th due to a decline in active cases and vaccine availability. Data indicates that the district's multiple protocols during this past year have significantly reduced the number of positive cases and individuals requiring quarantine. The Monett staff has had numerous opportunities to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. Out of 444 staff members, more than half have received the vaccine. The change in protocol is based upon the opportunity for staff vaccination along with the low numbers of active cases, transmission at school, and related quarantine.
Allowing masks to be optional on May 10th will enable staff, students, and parents time to adjust to the change in protocol. Staff or students may continue to wear a mask if they choose. As a reminder, Monett contracts transportation services with Apple Bus. Their policy requires students to mask when transported. The district supports Apple Bus and will respect their decision by requiring masking unless notified of the contrary.
The district will continue to monitor positive cases and quarantine. If there is an increase in positive COVID-19 cases, the Monett School District reserves the right to reinstate the mask mandate.
Thank you for your continued support as we finalize this school year.
Monett Schools