Construction Project Update Sept. 8, 2021


Dr. Drake would like to share an update regarding the new Monett Middle School. Follow the link below to watch Dr. Drake's update.

Here are some of the points he covers in the video: 

  • Construction Supply Availability - The Monett Middle School construction will be delayed due to limited availability of roofing steel supplies.
  • New Middle School Completion Date - The new Monett Middle School will now be completed on March 1, 2023.
  • CPE Campus and Early Childhood Center - CPE will be remodeled for Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten students this school year. This building will be called the Early Childhood Center starting August 2022.
  • Grades 3-4 Temporary Placement - Due to the CPE campus redevelopment, students at the CPE campus (grades 3-4) will move to the Monett Elementary School for one school year in August 2022. MES will hold grades 1-4, moving PK and K to the new Early Childhood Campus (CPE campus).

Unfortunately, the limited availability of construction supplies caused the completion date of the new Middle School to be extended.

If you have any questions regarding the construction of the new Monett Middle School, please call 417-235-7422.

Monett Schools

Monett Schools